The 4 Point Template is the structure of the inspection. To fill it out with your comments, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch Home Inspector Pro
  2. Click on Open Template
  3. Select 'InterNachi 4 Point.tpz' and click Open
  4. Fill out the Client Information screen with your inspection client's information 
  5. Start with the 'Four-Point Inspection' menu and select 'General Information'
  6. Click on the 'Edit Comments' button in the toolbar
  7. Click on Add on the left side of the panel to add your comments 
  8. Follow the same procedure for each of the inspection sections 

As you complete the inspection, it is recommended you click on 'Save Inspection' and save the inspection with your clients information. If you would like to have the existing comments available to be used for future inspections, click on 'Save Template' and save the changes to your template. 

To add in photos to the inspection, you can go to Photos > Add/Review Photos to manually add the photos individually, or go to Photos > Batch Add Photos to add the photos en masse. This template is not intended to have photos associated with individual sections.

You can use the 'Print At End' checkbox on each photo you would like to have appear at the end of the report. These photos will appear at the end of the report in a separate section. You can use the Caption field to note the information in the photo. You can also use the Caption field to include a photo number to use for reference in your comments.