To eliminate any inspection items from showing in the HTML/PDF report that gets sent to your client, go to "Report Settings" on the top menu in the software, and choose "Options" from the pull-down menu.
Then go to the 2nd tab on the top of the pop-up window, called "Item Options". The 3rd listing in that window says "Print items even if there are no comments selected". Un-check the box at the end. Then click "OK" and go to "Save Template" on the top toolbar, and save that change to your template.
Now, all you have to do is ignore any inspection item, such as "Security Bars" or "Patio", and it will not print in the clients report. Don't check a box, or add a comment in "Black" or "Red", and don't assign a photo to that item, and it will not show to the client.
* If you use a mobile device in the field, you will need to upload that revised template to your mobile device to replace the one you have there also. Now, any new inspections you create on your mobile will have that setting correct in your report. Just ignore the item you do not want to show.