Inspectors have encountered an error when attempting to upload their template to the cloud under the Mobile Sync section of the desktop (Windows/Mac) version of the program. The most common reason for this to occur is due to a firewall/antivirus/anti-malware software blocking the Home Inspector Pro program from communicating with the HIP Cloud Service. This has been noted with various versions of the Malwarebytes for Windows anti-malware software, as it will block unidentified applications from making connections to internet services without prior approval. This is not an indication of a problem with the Home Inspector Pro program, or the Malwarebytes for Windows program. This is only an indication of a change that will need to be made with the configuration of these programs.

This is not the only possible cause of this problem, but this is one of the most commonly noted causes of this problem.

To resolve this issue, you can add an exclusion to the Malwarebytes for Windows program to allow Home Inspector Pro to communicate with the HIP Cloud Service.

To do this:

  1. Open Malwarebytes for Windows.
  2. Click Settings, then click the Exclusions tab.
  3. To add an item to the exclusion list, click Add Exclusion.
  4. Click Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet, then click Next.
  5. To find and exclude the application, click Browse... 
  6. Choose the application executable you wish to exclude, then click Open. By default, the Home Inspector Pro program will be located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Home Inspector Pro\ folder. You would then select the HomeInspectorPro5.exe application.
  7. Click OK to confirm your changes.

Once this change is applied, you will then be able to upload the template to the HIP Cloud Service without error. If the issue does continue to occur, please contact Home Inspector Pro support to walk through additional troubleshooting steps.
