In the HIP Mobile application, it is possible to take photos within your inspection that are scaled for use in your final reports, as well as to save Full Size Images for later use and reference outside your inspection report. These full size images are not stored in the inspection folder on the device, and are not transferred to your computer when the inspection is uploaded to the cloud from the HIP Mobile application. These files must be retrieved separately from your device. 

To enable Full Size Images on your device:

  1. Launch the HIP Mobile application. 
  2. Tap on the Settings tab. 
  3. Scroll down the screen, and find the option for Save Full Size Images.
  4. Enable this option. 
  5. Click on Save at the bottom of the screen. 

After this option has been enabled, continue using the HIP Mobile application as normal. As photos are taken in your inspections, a copy of the full size image will be stored on your device. 

Note: Saving full size images will use a larger amount of storage space on your device due to the increase photo size. It is important that you clear your inspections from your device more often to avoid using all the free space on your device. The full size images are removed for an inspection when the inspection is removed from the device. The removal of the inspections from your device is performed on the Manage tab under the Available Inspections button. 

To retrieve Full Size Images from your device:

The process for retrieving the full size images from your device is different depending on the use of Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad) devices. 


The full size images are stored in a separate folder in the Home Inspector Pro Mobile folder titled full_images. Within this folder, there will be a sub-folder for each of your inspections. 

  1. Connect your Android device to your Windows or Mac computer via USB. (for this example we will be using a Windows computer).
  2. On your Android device, set the device to act as a disk drive (may also be listed as Transfer Files). The steps for this will vary depending on the device and manufacturer. General instructions for this process can be found here:
  3. On your Windows PC, open the File Explorer or Windows Explorer.
  4. Go to This PC or Computer.
  5. You should see your device listed on the right side. Double-click on your device. 
  6. Double-click on Internal Shared Storage or Internal Storage.
  7. Find the folder titled, then double-click on
  8. Double-click on the full_images folder.
  9. In this folder you will find a folder for each your inspections. Double-click on the appropriate folder. You can then copy these files to another location on your computer for later use. 

iOS (iPhone/iPad):

On the iOS devices, the full size images are not stored in individual folders. Instead, the images are stored in the DCIM folder in the root of your device. The DCIM folder is an industry standard location for storing images for digital cameras and mobile devices. The images are added sequentially to the list of images on the device.

There are two methods to retrieve the photos from you iPhone/iPad: Use a photo program to transfer the files from the device to your computer or copy the files directly from the device. 

To transfer the files using another program, the most common method is to use Apple's Photos application, or the Windows Photos app. Instructions for the process for each software can be found below:

Windows Photos App:

Apple Photos:

To transfer the files directly:

  1. Connect your iOS device to your Windows computer via USB.
  2. Go to This PC or Computer. You should see your device listed on the right side. Double-click on your device. 
  3. Double-click on Internal Storage.
  4. Double-click on the folder titled DCIM.
  5. Double-click on the folder (most likely) titled 100APPLE.
  6. In this folder you will find all your images numbered sequentially. Find the images you would like to save, then copy the files to a location on your computer.