This article will show you how to add a signature to a cover page. If you have not created an inspector signature yet, please read this article on how to create an inspector signature.

One you have created a signature, you may continue with the steps below:

  1. Open Home Inspector Pro

  2. Go to Report Settings > Cover Page Designer

  3. Click the check mark to Enable custom cover layouts on reports
  4. Click on Add Image

  5. Navigate to the folder where your signature was saved

  6. Click on the signature file to select it

  7. Click on Open

  8. Click on the image on the cover page (a green check mark will appear and the image area will turn red)

  9. Click and drag to place the image where you would like it to appear on the cover page

  1. Select Apply Changes to Template

  2. Click Yes

Now, when your report is generated, you should see your signature on the cover page.

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