HIP Desktop v6.8.3
New Features:
HTML Report Format v2.0: An update to the Home Inspector Pro HTML Report Format for reports uploaded to HIP Office/HIP Office Lite and ISN. This format is not bound to the 8.5" x 11" PDF layout, instead is a full-screen format for a more modern delivery of the inspection results. Users can select to use Version 2 of the HTML report when uploading your inspection to the HIP Cloud or ISN by selecting v2.
AI Report Translation: When generating inspection reports (by clicking on the Generate Report button, an option has been added to translate the report from the source language to English, Spanish, French, and Canadian French. Report translation is performed using AI technology. The report contains the original report, followed by the translated report in the same PDF. A disclaimer is included in the report in both the source language and the translated language.
βNote: Translation of the report will increase the time for generating the report depending on the length of the original report. Very large reports may take a while to generate when translating.
βDistribution Format for Templates: Templates can now be distributed in Template Bundles to facilitate distribution of templates and their related files. Under the File menu, new options for Create Template Bundle and Open Template Bundle. Creating a Template Bundle allows the user to select the template to distribute, then save the template to a file. This file will contain the template along with all related files including linked PDFs, linked images, Documents, and more. To load a Template Bundle, click Open Template Bundle, then select the bundle file. The template will be loaded to the Data directory, and all related files will be placed in their proper location.
βPopulate PDF Forms Button Added to Section Colors & Print Order Screen: For users using PDF Forms, a new checkbox has been added to the Section Colors & Print Order Screen when generating reports.This will cause the PDF Forms to be populated automatically when the report is generated, so users will not be required to go to Insert PDF Documents and click on Populate Form.
Template-Specific Glossary: A separate template-specific glossary has been added to the system. This allows for templates to have domain-specific terms to be used for a reports without requiring maintenance of the system glossary.
New Variables: New variables of $ClientFullAddress, $AgentFullAddress, $InspectorFullAddress have been added for use in Documents, PDF Forms, and the Cover Page Designer. These variables will output the full address (Address, Address Line 2, City, State, and Zip Code) in a single line from the Client, Agent, and Inspector.
Design Changes
Force HTML Uploads When Uploading to ISN: For ISN users, HTML versions of the reports are now always selected to be uploaded to ISN.
Bug Fixes
Sync Agents with HIP Office Now Syncs Website URL: When users click Sync Agents with HIP Office, the agents' website URL will now properly sync to the local address book from the Agents table in HIP Office/HIP Office Lite.
$InspectorCityFull and $AgentCityFull Now Properly Populate:The variables $InspectorCityFull and $AgentCityFull will now properly populate the full inspector or agent city state and zip code when included in Cover Page Designs, Documents, and PDF forms.
TX TREC 7-6 Misspelling: A typo in the introduction text of the TX TREC 7-6 report format was corrected.
Footer Text Color Not Applied to Page Numbers: When using the setting Top: Company Name/Client Address, Bottom:Empty under Report Settings > Options, Layout tab, Header & Footer item, the Footer Font Color under Section Colors & Print Order was not being applied to the page numbers appearing at the bottom of the page. This setting is now properly applied to page numbers.
HIP Office Lite: Upload Report Emails Sent Message: When uploading reports to HIP Office Lite, a message was displayed of "Emails Sent" when the checkboxes for Sent to Client and Send to Agent were not selected. The message will now only be displayed if those checkboxes have been selected.
Duplicate HZF Extension When Saving: Beginning with macOS Sequoia, when users would Save Inspection, the .hzf extension would be added to the file name each time, causing the extension to be duplicated. This has been corrected.
Agent Photo Sync: Agent photos stores in HIP Office and ISN were not properly transferring to the desktop when orders were imported (ISN) or the agents were synced with HIP Office. Photos of agents will now load properly when the agents are imported or agent data is updated.
Narrative Search Now Ignores Text Formatting: When using the narrative search, if the narrative contained formatting of the text (such as bold, underline, etc), the search would not find the proper entries due to the formatting of the text. Narrative search now ignores formatting for the purposes of search.
HIP Desktop v6.8.4
Bug Fixes:
Advanced Colors / Multiple Summaries: Text of Advanced Color are now displayed properly if using multiple summaries
System Glossary: The system glossary is now properly maintained after the installation of the update.
HIP Desktop v6.8.6
Bug Fixes:
HEIC Photos: Fix the error that occurs when adding HEIC photos via Batch Add or Single Photo Add.
Manage Inspection in Cloud Screen: Refresh/redraw the "Manage Inspections in Cloud" screen after downloading an inspection from the Cloud.
HTML Upload Status: Correctly display the HTML upload and completion status on the Sending Report dialog for HTML v2 uploads.
AI Translation: Resolve error when translating to English.
Template-Specific Glossary: Include the Template-Specific Glossary entries when saving the template.
RecallChek: Add HTTPS support to connections to RecallChek.
Template Bundles: Include PDF files when creating Template Bundles.
HTML Version Status: Upload to ISN - Store the HTML Version to Upload so users do not have to change it every time. This value is stored when saving inspections and saving templates.
System Messages: An incorrect Copy to Vault message was displayed when saving templates with linked PDFs.
Overlay Icons: Show Overlay Icons on photos if HTML v2 is not enabled.