Note: Before adding an inspector under your account, you should add the required HIP Software and HIP Office/Office Lite licenses to your account if needed. You can use any available licenses under your account as well.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In HIP Office, click on the three lines in the top left to open the main menu. Click Settings and then License Management.
Step 2: Review the available licenses you have under your account. If you do not have any available licenses for HIP or Office/Lite, you will need to obtain these before you add the employee to your account. You should contact our Sales Team at 1-888-750-4777.
Step 3: Once you have acquired the needed licenses for the software, click Add User.
Step 4: If the employee will be using a new username and password, select Create User. If the employee already has a username and password they use, select Add From Existing HIP Users.
Step 5: To create a new user, fill in the information for the user. Save the Username and Password and pass these along to the employee. They need these to log into HIP services. Be sure to check the boxes for the licenses the employee will need and click Add User.
Step 6: If you are adding an employee that already has a username and password, choose Add From Existing HIP Users. Search for the employee account using their username or email address. Click the Paper plane icon next to the employee account.
Step 7: Make sure Company, Role, and Access are correctly filled out and click Add User.
After adding the user by either method, the employee will now show in the list. They will need to access the email address associated with the account and click the confirmation email that HIP sends out.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!