Custom Order Fields give you the ability to add data to an order form to collect important information. This can be lock codes, key locations, or other information to help with the inspection process.
Note: Custom Order Fields are currently unavailable in HIP Office Lite. If you would like the ability to create Custom order Fields, contact us to inquire about upgrading to the full HIP Office suite.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In your HIP Office, click the three lines in the top left. Then, click Settings and then Custom order Fields.
Step 2: Click the Add New Field button.
Step 3: Type in the label for your custom field.
Step 4: Select an input type from the Input Type dropdown.
Text: Allows you to type information into the custom field.
Dropdown: Allows you to set a list of options to choose from.
Checkbox: Allows you to check or uncheck the option.
Datepicker: Allows you to select a date from the calendar.
Step 5: Set a Default Value for your Input Type. You can add text, set your Dropdown Options, set the checkbox on/off and choose a date. The default input for the textbox can be left blank.
Step 6: If using a Dropdown, set a new Dropdown Option by clicking on the Default Value. Click the + icon to add a new option. This can be repeated as needed. Once completed click Save.
Step 7: Select which page on the Order form you would like the custom field to appear.
Step 8: If you do not want the Client/Agent to see the field on the External Scheduler, toggle off the Publicly Visible switch. Leave it on if the field is meant to collect information from the Client/Agent.
Step 9: Click the Save button.
Step 10: If you need to delete a Custom Order Field, click the Remove button.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!