Note: Automatic pricing is not available in HIP Office Lite. If you would like automatic pricing as a feature, you can contact us to discuss an upgrade to the full HIP Office suite.
Note: Before starting to set up your fee structure, you should completely set up your Services.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In HIP Office, click on the 3 lines in the top left. Then, click on Settings and then Fee Structure.
Step 2: Select the Primary Service you want to work on from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Set the maximum size in Square Feet that you want to apply automatic pricing for. Anything over this maximum size will need to be priced manually. In the External Scheduler, anything over this size will be sent to Pending orders rather than submitted as a live order.
Step 4: To create a tiered fee structure, set the maximum size for the first tier in the To box. You may also use the slider. You can set pricing to per Square Foot or as an Overall set fee. Set the fee for the first tier in the text box to the right. Note: A hybrid fee structure is currently unavailable. You should set your fee structure either all by Square Foot or all by the set overall fee.
Step 5: Once the first tier is set, click on the button to Add New Line to set up the second tier.
Step 6: You may repeat these steps for as many tiers as required. The final tier should have your maximum size in the "To" field. Once finished with all tiers, click Save.
Step 7: You may now move on to the Distance and Age Sections. These sections are set the same way as Size. You may set your Maximum Distance and Age and set the tiers the same way as Steps 3-6. On the Distance and Age sections, there is also the option to hide the fee as a line item and instead add it to the primary fee.
Step 8: For the Add-On section, set the fees for how much should be added when the specified add-on is selected in addition to the Primary Service. You can set the add-on fees as per Square Foot or Overall. Once completed, click Save.
Step 9: On the Discounts and Other Fees page, you can specify any discounts that the service may have or add other needed fees like Sales Tax or Card Processing Fees. Note: Any Discounts or Fees set on this page will automatically apply to every order using the specified Primary Service.
You are able to set the discounts by an overall amount or by a percentage of the Primary, Add-on, or Total Fees. Additional Fees can be set by Overall amount or Percentage. You may also hide these discounts and fees from the line item and roll it into the primary fee.
Common Issues
Fees are not populating when creating an order in the New Order Wizard. Check to see if the Size, Distance, or Age are above the maximum you set for automatic pricing. If they are, you must put in the fee for that section manually.
Fees are in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars when creating an order. Check your fee settings to ensure you did not select Per Square Foot when you meant to select Overall.
Can I have a flat rate for the first tier and then charge an additional fee after using per square foot? No. A hybrid pricing structure is not available at this time. So, a fee structure like setting 1-1500 square feet at a base of $350 and then charging an additional .10 per square foot after 1500 feet, will not work.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!