Step-by-Step Instructions
Changing the Program language in HIP Desktop
Step 1: In HIP Desktop, click on Edit and then hover over Program Language. This will reveal the languages you can set the software to. Note: This will not change the narrative language in the templates. This will only change the language of the Software.
Step 2: Select the language you wish to set the program to. Click Ok on the pop-up message and then close HIP and open again.
Step 3: Click on Edit and then Mouse Over Dictionary Language. You can set the Dictionary Language to match your Program Language.
Changing the Program Theme in HIP Desktop
Step 1: Click on Edit and then mouse over Program Theme and Font and then over Theme. This will reveal the different color themes the Software can be set to.
Step 2: Choose the Theme you would like, and it will be immediately applied.
Changing the Program Font in HIP Desktop
Step 1: Click on Edit and then Mouse over Program Theme and Font and then Font. This will reveal the Font Settings for the Software. You can change the font Type and Size here.
Step 2: Select a Font type or size and it will be immediately applied.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!