Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: To Edit HDF Documents go to Edit-> Create/Edit Documents.
Step 2: You’ll then want to either select the file you want to work on, or click on Add New Document, if it is a brand new one.
Step 3: A box will pop up requesting a name. The extension .hdf will be added automatically for you after you hit OK.
Step 4: Once you are in the document you want to edit or the new document you can then type your message in the large box. Once you type in the box it is saved.
Step 5: Once you have the text you want in the document, to add an image you need to click on a hidden button just to the right of the font size. This opens the HTML view of the document.
Note: This is a very basic HTML so nothing special can be done.
Step 6: You’ll want to find the source of the image. For instance, if you are adding the Inspector Signature file created in Report Settings/Inspector Signature (You can find more information on that here. Usually in this case, it will be in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Home Inspector Pro\Data if on Windows, or Documents\Home Inspector Pro\Data if on Mac. This could also be an internet-based image. You would just need to have the URL/Link of the image.
Step 7: To add an image to the document you’ll want to put the following text where you want it to appear.
On Windows, you’ll want to use this HTML Code.
<img height="30" src="C:\Program Files (x86)\Home Inspector Pro\Data\InspectorSignature.jpg" width="130">
On Mac, you’ll want to use this HTML Code.
<img height="30" src="/Users/ryvur/Documents/Home Inspector Pro/Data/inspectorSignature.png" width="130">
To use an internet-based image you can find the URL by right-clicking (or control+click if on Mac) the image and then click on Open Image in new tab. Then you can select the link and copy it with Ctrl+C or right-click (Ctrl+click on Mac) and copy. Then paste in the code like below.
<img height="30" src="" width="130">
Step 8: You’ll then want to make sure the document is in the right section that you want the image or document to be, as mentioned above. Then when you generate the report, it should be in that section.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!