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Backing Up Home Inspector Pro on Windows
Backing Up Home Inspector Pro on Windows

This article covers backing up the Home Inspector Pro Folder including Inspection Files, Report PDFs, and Templates along with associated files.

Marcos Jiron avatar
Written by Marcos Jiron
Updated over a month ago

Quick Summary

Note: It is recommended to Copy your HIP Folder to a separate external hard drive or a file host like Dropbox or Google Drive. While you can make a backup copy to a different location on the same machine, it would not help if the main hard drive on the device failed.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Locate your Home Inspector Pro Folder. In Windows the default location is C:\Program Files (x86)

Step 2: Right Click on the Home Inspector Pro Folder and select Copy from the menu.

Step 3: Browse to the location you want to duplicate your HIP Folder to. Right Click in Some white space in the folder and then click Paste in the Menu.

Your files will now be duplicated to that location.

Step 4: To back up to a file host app, like Google Drive, use the Folder Upload option in the app.

Step 5: Select the Home Inspector Pro folder from the folder chooser and click Upload.


Common Issues

Windows Error: File is in Use by Another Program Make sure HIP is closed before running a copy.


How often should I back up my HIP folder? How often you back up the folder is up to you. Weekly is a good starting point.

Should I keep Multiple Copies of the HIP Folder or overwrite the backup? This is another personal choice. If you have the storage space, you can choose to keep multiple copies of the HIP Folder. If you do, you should rename the folder to include a date stamp for the date it was copied.

Contact Support

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!

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