Quick Summary
Lists give you an easy way to select an option when dealing with narratives that have a known set of options. Examples include material types for flooring, locations within a building, or appliance brand names.
Note: Lists are template specific. Lists will only appear in templates they are created and saved in.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Adding or Editing Lists
Step 1: In HIP Desktop, click on Report Settings and then Create/Edit Lists.
Step 2: To Create a new list, click the Add List button.
Step 3: Type in a Name for your List. Use the Check Box for Multi if the list can have multiple selections (Ex. Location: 1st floor, West) If using Multi select use the drop down to select how the multiple choices will be separated. Once finished click OK.
Step 4: To add options to your list, highlight the list on the left and then click Add Comment.
Step 5: Type in your option and click OK if you are done adding selections or Add Another Comment to add more.
Step 6: To select a default option, check the box next to the option and click Update Defaults. Once you are done setting up the List click OK.
Step 7: Use the buttons at the top of the Add/Edit List Screen to Edit Your Lists or Edit your Comments. Highlight the List or Comment you would like to Edit and then click the button To Edit, Delete, or Sort.
Step 8: Once you are done creating lists, be sure to save your template.
Applying Lists to Narratives
Step 1: Browse to the Section and Sub section and double click the narrative you want to add a list to. You can also add lists to new narratives. Once inside the narrative editor, place your cursor where you want to insert the list and click the button to Insert List.
Step 2: Select the list you want from the drop down and click OK.
Step 3: To select an option from the list, click the list button and then select the option and then the green check to apply.
Step 4: Now, add the narrative to your report as normal.
Example Use Cases
Lists are valuable for saving space and time. Use Lists for such things as:
Appliance Brands
Locations and Directions
Building Materials like Flooring or Roofing
Yes/No Questions
Electrical System Amperage
HVAC Types
Common Issues
Currently, there are no known common issues when using lists. If you run into any issues, contact support.
How Many Lists or options can I have? Currently, there is no limit but creating large lists can become an issue for ease of use and having to scroll through all the options.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!