Step By Step Instructions
The Inspector Signature and Initials can be added in Report Settings/Inspector Signatures and Inspector Initials.
You can create a signature or initials if you have a device with a touch screen, or you want to try with the mouse. Or you can take an up-close picture on blank white paper with a Sharpe, then get that picture to your computer and import it in with the Add External Signature button.
The Inspector Initials can be added in Report Settings/Inspector Initials. You can create an initial if you have a device with a touch screen, or you want to try with the mouse. Or you can take an up close picture on blank white paper with a Sharpe, then get that picture to your computer and import it in with the Add External Signature button.
You can then go to Report Settings/Cover Page Designs
Then check the boxes for the Inspector Signature and/or Initials.
You can then click and drag the image to where you want it to be or adjust the size as found in the Understanding the Cover page article.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!