Step-by-Step Instructions
This only works on Windows Computers: This will not work on Mac computers.
Step 1: Download and install the Dropbox client from here.
Step 2: Make sure you know where the Dropbox will store files on your computer. This can be found by default at C:\Users\UserAccountName\Dropbox.
Step 3: Create a folder specific for HIP. If for a multi-inspector firm, you’ll want to make sure each Inspector has their own folder. This is because each inspector will need their own space, as the license files will cause issues if they all use the same folder.
Step 4: You can download the install file from You’ll need to then log in with the username and password created when you purchased.
Step 5: Once your name shows, instead of "Login" you’ll want to hover over Support and click on downloads.
Step 6: On the download page, you’ll choose the file that matches your computer. Either the Mac or the Windows file. Then click on the download button.
Step 7: Once the file is downloaded, you’ll need to run it. You may get some warnings when trying to download it.
You may get a message, telling you it is not a commonly downloaded software,
Click once on the download
3 dots will come up beside it, select them
choose the option to Keep
Another window will open, there will be a section for more info (Show More), click on that
In here, you will click keep anyway
Now Click and hit Open on the downloaded file
A Second blue box may open, click Show More/More Info again and choose Run Anyway
The software should start installing now.
Step 8: At this point, you can install in each folder. You want to make sure that you use a separate folder for each inspector/installation. Then on each individual computer, have them start the program then log in.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!