Quick Summary
This article will only cover basic global formatting. Other formatting types include Advanced Colors, Cover Page Designer, and Layout. You can refer to those specific articles regarding those topics if needed.
Note: Formatting can be applied to either a single inspection or a template. Be sure to save the correct file type when you are done editing the formatting.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In HIP Desktop, click Report Settings then Formatting.
Step 2: On the Left, select the Report Item you would like to change the formatting for. The top tabs are for choosing how you would like to change the item. Some items have more or less options.
Step 3: Make your selections and then be sure to click OK when finished making changes to all of the sections you want to edit.
Step 4: Click on Report Settings->Section Colors and Print Order.
Step 5: To apply your formatting changes to all sections at once, click the button on the right label Inherit from Formatting.
Step 6: Your new formatting scheme will be applied. Once finished click Close. Note: This method is used for setting a cohesive formatting scheme that applies to all sections. You can apply separate formatting schemes to each section by clicking on each of the items pointed in orange inside the Section Colors and Print Order Screen.
Step 7: If you are working on an individual inspection, click Save Inspection and save your .hzf file. If you are working on the formatting for your template, click Save Template and save your .tpz file.
Common Issues
After setting the Formatting and generating the report the changes don't seem to have been applied: Refer to step 5. This is the important step that applies your formatting to your reports and is sometimes overlooked.
Formatting buttons are unresponsive: If you are trying to use the formatting page, but the buttons are unresponsive contact support.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!