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Entering ISN Credentials into HIP
Entering ISN Credentials into HIP

This article covers entering your login information for ISN into HIP so you can import client information and upload your reports directly from HIP to ISN.

Marcos Jiron avatar
Written by Marcos Jiron
Updated over 2 months ago

Each InspectionSupport.Net (ISN) user has a user name, password, and company key for the ISN system. This user name and password was assigned to you for use with the ISN system.

If you are unsure of your ISN user name, password, or company key, please contact ISN Support to verify your login information. This login information is used in the Home Inspector Pro desktop program and the HIP Mobile app (on Android and iPad/iPhone).

Step-by-Step Instructions

Adding ISN to HIP Desktop

Step 1: In HIP Desktop click on the Internet Menu and then ISN Login Information.

Step 2: Enter your ISN Username, Password, and Company Key and then click OK.

Step 3: Confirm your login information by clicking the Internet Menu and then Import Data From ISN. If successful, you will see the list of your Inspection Orders (Footprints) from ISN.

Adding ISN to HIP Mobile

Step 1: In HIP Mobile Browse to the Settings Tab. The ISN Login Fields will be at the very top.

Step 2: Enter your ISN Username, Password, and Company Key then scroll to the bottom of the Settings Page and click Save.

Step 3: Confirm your login by clicking on the Client Info tab and then clicking Import From ISN. If successful, you will see the list of your Inspection Orders (Footprints) from ISN.


Common Issues

Error: Incorrect Credentials/Incorrect Company Key– Double-Check the login information and re-enter the username, password, and company key. If the issue persists, contact ISN Support to confirm everything is correct.

Related Articles

If you need assistance with finding or confirming your ISN Company Key, here is an article to help:

Contact Support

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!

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