Quick Summary
Services are a key part of the HIP Office platform. Most settings are based on the primary service including fees as well as contract and email templates. Having your services list set properly is instrumental in having your HIP Office run smoothly.
Primary Services: Primary Services are any that you would do as a stand alone service.
Add-on Services: Add-on Services are any that you would do in addition to a primary service.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Creating a New Service
Step 1: In HIP Office Navigate to Settings>Services
Step 2: Click on the + New Service button.
Step 3: Give a name and description to the new service. Use the toggle switches to mark the service as a Primary Service or Add-On Service or both Primary and Add-On. You can also set the service to be Publicly Visible which will allow your clients to select this service on the HIP Office External Scheduler that you can embed in your website. Then, click Save.
Your new service will now show in your list of services.
Editing Services
Step 1: On the Services page, click the Edit Icon next to the service you wish to edit.
Step 2: A similar box to the one used for creating a service will pop up. Here, you can Edit the name and Description of the service and change the settings for Primary, Add-On, and Public Visibility. Once you are done editing the service, click Update.
Your updated service will now appear on your Services Page.
Deleting Services
Step 1: On the Services Page, click the Trash Icon next to the service you wish to delete.
Step 2: Confirm the deletion on the pop up. Note: Deletion is permanent! Be sure this is what you want to do.
After deleting the service, it will be removed from the list.
Common Issues: There have been no reported major issues when working with services. If you run into any issues, contact support.
How many Services can I have? Currently there is no set limit.
Can a Service be both Primary and Add-On? Yes. Use this for those services you would do as a standalone and as an Add-On.
Related Articles
Office Fees, Office Contracts, Office Emails
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!