Quick Notes
Note: It is recommended to keep only 1 week worth of inspections on your mobile device at a time. Regular deletion of old files is essential to keep HIP Mobile running smoothly.
Note: Deleting inspection files from HIP Mobile is permanent. Be sure you no longer need the inspection file on mobile before deleting.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In HIP Mobile, click on the Manage Tab, and then Options at the bottom of the page.
Step 2: Tap on the inspection file you want to delete. A green check will appear on the Inspection File and the Delete Selected button will pop up. Click Delete selected. Note: Be careful of clicking the Delete All button if you still have files you need.
Step 3: Confirm the deletion.
Common Issues
Selecting a large group of files and trying to delete doesn’t work. If you try to delete too many files at once, the deletion may not work. Select a smaller group of files and try again until it allows you to delete.
Contact Support
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (800) 750-4777, or you can email us at [email protected] or open a chat in the bottom right corner of our main website or HIP Office!